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Nutrition Center

Steer wings Nutrition Center & Better Lifestyle ( Health & Wellness Club)

This is health care division of Steer wings group. This deal with health care products. This promotes highly nutritious and hygienic products and also make awareness of the public about disease free state of health and their by helping the nation to create a clean healthy society and also educate them to avoid contaminated and un healthy products which are abundantly available in the market by the unlawful agencies.

Importance of Nutrition Center

Presently, the people from entire world are suffering from Life Style Diseases. WHO states that 70% of Life Style Diseases come due to imbalances in Nutrition. Due to our stress and work pressure, we really don”t give time for eating. We never think about what we are eating. Our body requires balance nutrition of carbohydrate, protein and fat in the food to properly nourish and replish the entire system. . This balanced nutrition helps in reducing excesses in our food and covers defficiency. Our Life Style is also so bad that we don’t do much physical work. Pure Nutrition alongwith exercise and drinking plenty of water is the only solution for lots of Diseases.

Good health Better Living

Main cause of all disease is lack of Balanced Nutrition.
  • Right food is the Right medicine
  • Pure food - Delicious - Nutritional

We are providing world class – highly nutritional, well balanced food products from morning 7.30 am to 10 am at our nutritional centre

Sona Complex, 1st Floor,near EMS stadium Junction, Kozhikode and Near Onden hotel, Sreekrishna Complex, IInd Floor, Kannur

This food is widly using all over the world.
We are creating awareness about the side effects of the fast foods and other so called junk foods.
This will help you to reduce your weight obesity, overweight and gain right body weight thus maintain a good health.
We offer free body fat check up and consultation.

Please visit our nutritional centre and feel yourself